Can Lab Grown Diamonds Be Considered As A Counterfeit Of Natural Diamonds?

Natural Diamonds
Natural Diamonds
Natural Diamonds
Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds form over billions of years in the Earth’s mantle, and their rarity and beauty make them one of the most desirable gemstones in the world. Some argue that lab grown diamonds are not real and are merely counterfeits of natural diamonds. But is it really true? Let’s explore the topic in more detail.

What Is A Lab Grown Diamond?

Artificial diamonds or grown diamonds are man-made diamonds produced in a laboratory setting and are also referred to as lab-grown diamonds. There are two ways to make them, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) and High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT). In both procedures, an enclosure containing small gemstones is heated and pressured to extremely high degrees. This process causes diamond crystals to grow around the nucleus.

Advantages Of Lab Grown Diamonds

The reality of synthetic diamonds remaining non-conflict or ecologically beneficial represents one of their main benefits. Natural diamonds are often associated with environmental degradation and human rights violations. On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled settings without causing ecological or civil rights issues. Additionally, lab-grown diamonds are sometimes less expensive than genuine diamonds, which makes them a desirable choice for consumers on a tight budget.

Are Man-Made Diamonds Fake Natural Diamonds?

Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab Grown Diamonds

The short answer is no. In fact, lab grown diamonds are often of higher quality than natural diamonds because they are free of inclusions and other defects and are created in a controlled environment. The place of birth of the gems is the only distinction between natural and man-made diamonds. Lab grown diamonds are produced in a laboratory, as opposed to diamonds of natural origin, which are formed in the core of the earth. However, lab grown diamonds are not fake natural diamonds. Be aware that lab grown diamonds are not the same as diamond replicas like moissanite and cubic zirconia. On the other hand, laboratory-grown diamonds are both chemically and physically similar to natural diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are not imitations of real diamonds. Despite being highly designed, they share natural diamonds’ physical and chemical characteristics. In addition to being conflict-free and more affordable than diamonds from nature, lab-grown diamonds are also typically of greater grade. Some people prefer the traditional appeal of natural diamonds, but for those looking for a more sustainable and cost-effective option, lab grown diamonds are a legitimate and ethical option.

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